Tagged: Teddy Dog


Causes of White Hair in Black Teddy Dogs

The occurrence of white hair in black Teddy dogs can be attributed to phenomena such as atavism, genetic mutations, improper bathing, insufficient exposure to sunlight, lack of trace elements, vitiligo, and albinism. If the...


Reasons and Remedies for Loss of Appetite in Teddy Dogs

Loss of appetite in Teddy dogs, typically referring to Teddy bears, may be attributed to factors such as a monotonous diet, estrus cycle, low physical activity, indigestion, anxiety disorders, gastric ulcers, and infection with...


Causes and Remedies for Dandruff in Teddy Dogs

Dandruff on a Teddy dog’s body can be attributed to various factors such as dry skin, improper bathing, vitamin deficiency, allergies, parasitic infections, seborrheic dermatitis, and ringworm. Timely intervention through general and medicinal treatments...


FCI Standard for Toy Poodle (Teddy Dog)

Size: Head (Head, Face, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Muzzle, Stop, Teeth): Body (Neck, Chest, Ribs, Loins and Back, Forequarters, Skin): Limbs (Forequarters, Shoulders, Upper Arms, Elbows, Forearms, Feet, Hindquarters, Thighs, Hocks, Joints, and Pasterns):...


Teddy Dog Breed Introduction

The Teddy dog is actually a variety of Poodle and is said to originate from France. However, it has its own unique characteristics, making it an extremely cute and popular breed among pet owners....