Pet-Wiki Blog


What is the reason for swollen dog paws?

It is difficult to avoid some external injuries when the dog’s paws come into direct contact with the ground. For example, if a dog’s paw is accidentally punctured by a sharp object, it can easily lead to bleeding or swelling. In addition, the dog’s paws may also cause swelling due to other reasons. Let’s learn more about it. The possible causes of swelling in the hands and feet of dogs may include


Dogs always like to show their belly to you? Actually, I was trying to imply these things to you!

We believe that many fecal diggers have a strong interest in dogs showing their belly, after all, who can resist such a cute posture? However, what many people don’t know is that a dog exposing its belly to you is not just about wanting you to touch it, but has a specific meaning and intention! Today, let’s uncover the secret behind a dog’s exposed belly to help you better understand it


Pug’s Body Structure and Selection Criteria

Overall Appearance:The Pug is charming, elegant, and officially named in the late 18th century, with the word “Pug” derived from ancient language meaning ghost, lion nose, or little monkey. Pugs are affectionate, adorable small...


Personality Traits and Lifestyle Habits of Pugs

Personality Traits:Pugs are known for their muscular build and seemingly fierce appearance, yet they have a kind heart, intelligence, strong memory, rich emotions, and an outgoing personality. They are characterized by stability, gentleness, liveliness,...


FCI Standard for Pugs

FCI Number: 253FCI Group: Group 9 – Companion and Toy DogsHeight: Weight Range: Head (Skull, Face, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Muzzle, Lips, Cheeks, Teeth): Body (Neck, Chest, Ribs, Back, Forepart, Skin): Limbs (Forequarters, Shoulders, Upper...


Introduction to the Pug Breed

Origin and Naming:The Pug, originally from China and also known as “Ha Ba Gou” in domestic terms, is a charming and elegant breed. In the late 18th century, it was officially named “Pug,” with...


Feeding Methods for Alaskan Malamutes

Causes of Excessive Shedding in Alaskan Malamutes 1. Skin Diseases Causing Abnormal Hair Loss 2. Nutritional Deficiency Leading to Abnormal Hair Loss 3. Stress-Induced Abnormal Hair Loss 4. Other Causes of Abnormal Hair Loss