Chihuahua Identification and Selection:

I. Examination of Appearance:

  1. Spirit: Lively, agile, bright and lively eyes, normal walking, and no signs of limping.
  2. Coat: Glossy, natural color, rich pigmentation, and no hair loss.
  • Short-haired: Adhering closely to the body.
  • Long-haired: Fluffy.
  1. Weight: Preferably choose a well-built puppy that feels solid when placed on the palm.

II. Detailed Examination:

  1. Eyes: Bright, lively, free from eye discharge, no tearing, clear and bright cornea, and consistent eye color.
  2. Ears: No hair loss, dandruff, or lesions on the ear flaps, clean ear canals, and no dirt or odor.
  3. Nose: Slightly moist, no nasal discharge, cool nose.
  4. Mouth: Well-closed upper and lower lips, pink mucous membranes, no odor, no drooling, white teeth, normal color of mouth corner hair, and no reddish-brown oxidation stains.
  5. Head: No swelling of the submandibular lymph nodes, no coughing upon gentle palpation of the trachea.
  6. Back: Straight.
  7. Nipples: 4-6 pairs, symmetrical on both sides, prominent (not concave).
  8. Testicles: Two, no single or cryptorchidism.
  9. Anus: Clean perianal area, no redness or swelling, normal hair color.
  10. Tail:
    • Short-haired: Flat tail, naturally uplifted.
    • Long-haired: Decorative longer hair, in a tassel shape, naturally hanging down, no red rash or sparse hair loss, and no tail biting.
  11. Limbs: Straight, without X or O-shaped legs.
  12. Skin: Healthy, no redness, no scabs or wounds.
  13. Excrement: Well-formed feces, brown color, no parasites, clear urine, not cloudy.

Ensure the Chihuahua meets these criteria for a healthy and well-maintained dog.

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